5 Fundamental Tips for Email Marketing

Are you considering email marketing for your organization?

Before you jump into an A/B test, DRIP campaign, or advanced automation, be sure to have the fundamentals down first.

The approach to building a successful email campaign should always come down to the basics.

Here are five tips to follow to help you setup a solid foundation for your email marketing.

1. Leverage Software

First and foremost, you’ll want to decide on an email marketing platform where you can store and group your contacts, build your campaigns, send emails in mass quantities, and test your results and continue improving.

At the top of the game is Mailchimp, which is widely used and loved by skilled marketers and beginners alike. Mailchimp offers both paid and unpaid plans to fit your budget.

Other top platforms include Hubspot, Omnisend and Sendinblue. There are many different options to fit your needs, experience level, and budget.

2. Personalize Your Existing Audience

Some of your most fundamental and valuable data are your contacts. Once you have your email list, it’s time to segment and group your audience to ensure your contacts are getting more personalized emails. The more personalized the content, the better results you’ll get.

Mailchimp offers Mailchimp Academy, to walk you through everything you need to know about navigating the platform and getting started. They also host a blog where you can search for and learn about various topics.

3. Focus on the Goal

Are you looking to send automated emails that are triggered by a particular action? Maybe someone is shopping on your site and leaves a few items in the cart without checking out. You’ll want to send something like a “cart reminder” email and potentially include a discount code to incentivize a purchase.

Maybe you’re marketing for an event and want to send weekly emails, hyping up ticket purchasers and creating FOMO for others to also buy tickets.

Or perhaps you’re just looking to send monthly newsletters for your organization, keeping your audience in the know.

Whatever your needs, there are ways to accomplish your goals in marketing. 

4. Build Campaigns

Gather your content and determine how you want to share it. Depending on what platform you choose, there will most likely be templates you can work from to get started.

Determine the number of emails you want to send, when you want to send them, and get started working on a campaign.

5. Test Your Results

Once you’ve sent a handful of emails, take a look at your results. It will take some trial and error, but you can figure out the best times of day to send emails, best subject lines to catch your audience’s attention etc.

While this is just scraping the surface, having a good foundation when it comes to email marketing is vital. Your emails don’t have to blend in like everyone else’s. Get started on creating a good foundation, sending email campaigns, and testing your results and you’ll be well on your way to successful emails that stand out.

Bonus: Find a Partner

If you’re overwhelmed or don’t have the resources to DIY, then collaborate with an agency to support your email marketing needs. Contact us to get a complimentary consult on your email marketing.

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